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Spiral for MMANA

Spiral for MMANA

MMANA-GAL not allowing to create circular forms or spirals, the only alternative is the polygon.

After the polygon generator carried out previously, Here is the spiral generator.

You can determine the number of points as well as the number of turns then possibly define a 3D extension-that is to say stretch the spiral perpendicular to its plan- as shown, for example, in the image opposite.

this Archimedean spiral is built on the basis of a radius of 1m. Then, in MMANA, it will be possible to increase or decrease the proportions easily or to rotate the element.


  • Choose the vertical or horizontal orientation (checkbox).
  • The number of points that the spiral will include.
  • The number of turns of the spiral.
  • The radius of the tube used to be filled in the result in the MMANA format.
  • If you want to stretch the spiral on the perpendicular to its plane, check the checkbox and this will give you the possibility of defining the length of the spiral thus stretched (in m). Remember that the diameter of the spiral is imposed by its radius of one meter.

A "Copy" button located at the bottom of the "Results" tab allows you to put the full list in the clipboard.
Then, edit the .Maa file of your MMANA-GAL project (you can do it with Notepad++) and paste the result "MMANA format" at the place of the mention ***wires***.

Warning :
Under ***Wires*** and just before the coordinate lines, the total number of wires should be specified. Do not forget to add or update it when adding lines of coordinates.

Finally, a simple 2D overview of the created spiral is visible under the "overview" tab.

Check if the spiral is horizontal :

Number of points (integer ≥ 10)  

Number of turns (integer > 1)  

Tube radius (mm)   

3D extension

3D extension (m)





MMANA-GAL is an antenna simulation software, allowing to visualize the radiation, to optimize the dimensions according to criteria of gain for example and is probably the easiest to use.

MM HamSoft


Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GNU General Public License.

