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Polygon for MMANA

Polygon for MMANA

MMANA-GAL does not allow to create circular shapes, the only alternative is the polygon.

This generator automates this creation, starting from the radius of the loop and the number of desired sides. The result appears as a list in MMANA format and a table of coordinates. It also allows you to create several turns, as for example the image opposite.

And if you rather want to create a spiral, it's here ;-)



Whether the number of sides is peer or odd, the simple loop will present the first side at the top and horizontally, while the loop with several turns will have its starting point at the top (and at the top of an angle). This is to facilitate the positioning of the capacitor. The starting point can nevertheless be moved to ± degrees within the form.

  • First define the coordinates of the center of the loop if it is different from zero.
  • Then choose the vertical or horizontal orientation (checkbox).
  • The number of sides that will comprise the polygon created (> 2).
  • The radius of the loop (m).
  • The radius of the tube (mm) used to be filled in the result in the MMANA format.
  • The angle from which the polygon begins (starting from the 12 o'clock position).

    This option has an interest in the simple loop :
    If you want an angle to be at the top and not one side, calculate (360/number of sides)/2 and put the result in the field (the summit will be an angle and the starting point of the loop).

    And for the loop with several turns :
    To position the starting point wherever you want. 90 or -90, for example, to position it on one side. 180 to position it at the bottom (case of a loop with several turns with the capacitor located at the bottom).
  • If you want more than one turn, check the box and this will give you the possibility of defining the number of turns, the direction of rotation as well as the spacing between each turn (in mm).

A "copy" button allows you to put the full list in the clipboard.
Then, edit the .maa file of your MMANA-GAL project (you can do it with Notepad++) and paste the result "MMANA format" at this level : ***Wires***.

Create the coupling loop in the same way by having previously defined the x and y coordinates (or x and z if vertical) of its center relative to the main loop. Add the result under the previous lines (***Wires*** part of the file .maa). Make sure that there is only one title ***Wires*** followed by the total number of coordinates lines, which are right below.

Warning :
Under *** Wires *** and just before the coordinate lines, the total number of wires should be specified. Do not forget to update it when adding lines of coordinates.

Finally, a simple 2D overview of the created loop is visible under the "Overview" tab.

Coordinates of the center of the loop
x y (or z if vertical)

Check if the loop is horizontal :

Number of sides (integer ≥ 3)

Radius of the loop (m)

Tube radius (mm)

Starting point angle of the polygon (degrees)

More than one turn

Number of turns

Check the box for left rotation :

Space between turns (mm) 






MMANA-GAL is an antenna simulation software, allowing to visualize the radiation, to optimize the dimensions according to criteria of gain for example and is probably the easiest to use.

MM HamSoft


Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GNU General Public License.

